Ready to have a fun Summer?

The Summer Bucket List helps you be intentional about your Summer.

Here's what you'll get inside this FREE Summer Bucket List:

  • A colorful printable with a place to list out things you want to do this Summer

  • A List of 10 Summer fun Ideas to use with your kids!

  • Finally know to have an intentional Summer. You're a rockstar Mom! No need to stress about planning your Summer. You can plan in a relaxed and fun way.

  • Get your kids involved in the planning. Print a bucket list for each kid to fill out.

  • Create an intentional Summer in 10 minutes or less!

Summer Bucket List Product Features
Summer Bucket List Product Features (1)

I can't wait to help you have an intentional Summer.

Summer used to stress me out as I thought about having all four kids at home. What do we do all day? 

Now, I really look forward to Summer. I love hearing the kid's ideas of what they want to do. We have created some meaningful memories over the years. I want that for your family too!

Don't let another minute pass without being intentional. Get your Free Summer Bucket List today!

Summer Bucket List Product Features

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