I am a quitter. Even typing these words causes me to cringe. If anyone asked me “Are you a quitter?” my response would immediately be “No!” That was until I read the book 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit by Nicki Koziarz. This book opened my eyes to the ways I am a quitter in life.

First, I realized I quit when things get tough. My focus is on the problem instead of on Jesus. I stop resting in His truth. The first habit of a woman who doesn’t quit is accepting the assignment of refinement.

Accepting means receiving whatever God has for us in the assignment. As Nicki states, “If we move too quickly during assignments of refinement, we could miss what God has the power and potential to do.”

I move too quickly through so many assignments of refinement and have missed what God has for me in them. I want to be more aware of God at work and push through when things get tough. Instead, I will choose to lean even harder into God and let the Holy Spirit teach me.

Secondly, I quit with my commitments. It is not necessarily commitments with other people but ones I made with myself.

It would be the commitment to eat healthy to keep extra weight off, a commitment to go to bed by 10:00, a commitment to get up and exercise, a commitment to spend time in prayer each day, the list goes on and on. Maybe you have made similar commitments?

I would start off determined. And then, I would wake up and feel tired so I wouldn’t exercise. Or I would feel overwhelmed with to-dos. So, I did just one more ‘to do’ and stayed up past 10:00. My feelings were dictating how I followed through. Let’s just say that didn’t work too well.

The third habit found in 5 Habits of a Women Who Doesn’t Quit is “She follows through with her commitments despite how she feels.” The chapters on this habit were powerful and very eye-opening to me. I want to be a woman who moves forward and sticks to my commitments despite how I feel. I don’t want my feelings to dictate my days anymore.

How about you? Would you call yourself a quitter? Maybe like me, you don’t even realize you are a quitter. There is hope to change your habits to be healthier. The rest of the habits in 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit by Nicki Koziarz are also challenging and convicting. I encourage you to check this book out.


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