A Simple Way to Pray for Your Children
Do you want to pray for your children more? Me too!! I love praying Scripture verses over my children because they are so powerful and effective. So, here is an idea of one simple way to pray for your children today.
A Simple Way
The first step is to pick out a Scripture verse to pray over your children every day. The Scripture verse needs to be one that speaks to who they are, what they are struggling with, or what they need to grow in.
My husband and I spend time praying about which Scripture verse would be impactful for our children’s life. Until our children made Jesus their forever friend, we prayed a Scripture verse over them about salvation. We used a combination of Romans 10:9 and Romans 10:13.
Our older children were believers when we started this prayer journey. So, we asked God for a specific verse for Micaela and Nathan. I love how God makes it clear each time what Scripture verse He wants us to pray.
We used Praying the Scriptures for Your Children by Jodie Berndt to help us decide on a Scripture verse. This book breaks down the Scriptures into categories. It also includes Scripture verses to pray over your adult children.
2023 Scripture Verses
Another way to choose a verse to pray over your children is to use a Scripture verse related to their word of the year. The Word of the Year is a way to help our children grow to be more like Jesus. Our children each picked a word of the year for 2023 and a Scripture verse to go with it. Each of my children will meditate on and hopefully memorize the Scripture verse related to their Word of the Year. I am very excited to see how God is going to use this in our children’s lives this year.
Praying Hands
Once we have decided on a Scripture verse for each child, I traced each of their hands. Next, I wrote their personalized Scripture verse on it. I like to do this on January 1st or close to the beginning of the year. The praying hands are a great visual for me.
A couple of years ago, I laminated their traced hands and hang them up on my bathroom mirror. As I get ready each morning, I take time to pray our children's Scripture verses over them.
Another option is to write your child’s name on an index card and write their Scripture verse below. Tuck them in your Bible or hang them up in the kitchen or around the house. Do whatever is easiest for you in this season of life.
Intentional Prayer
Hopefully, this idea is a helpful and simple way to be intentional in praying for your children. In Hebrews 4:16, we read “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence.” We do this through prayer. I love that God cares even more about our children than we do. Let’s trust God for great things in our children’s lives this year!
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Back to School Prayer Challenge
Another way to pray for your children is by personalizing Scripture verses. Earlier this year, I went through the Back to School challenge with a group of amazing ladies. It was powerful to see God use the prayers in our children’s lives. Read about the Back to School Challenge and sign up for it below. These Scripture verses can be used at any time of the year to pray for your children.