What to do When Your Child Doesn’t Like Reading
When my children were younger, one of our favorite activities was to have a reading time each day. But, what do you do with your child that doesn’t like to read? Here are four strategies I used with my children who didn’t like reading. Now, there are times I can’t get my children to stop reading.
Read More Join the 2023 Back to School Prayer Challenge!
Our children face challenges every day at school whether they are at school, in college, or doing homeschooling. It may be a challenge to learn new things. Maybe there is a student in their class who is difficult to be around. Or maybe they don’t get along with one of their teachers. Whatever the challenge may be, let's do one of the best things we can for our kids which is to pray God’s Word over them.
Join me for the Back to School Challenge 2023! I created the Back to School Challenge to lead us through 21 days of praying over our children. Each day, I will share a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray based on the Scripture verse. Sign up below to get each day’s prayer delivered to your email inbox. You will also receive a calendar with the prayer focus for the day.
Read More A Simple Way to Pray for Your Children
We have all heard countless times about the importance of praying for our children. The Bible is filled with Scriptures about the power of prayer. Yet, when it comes down to it, we struggle to pray for the people we love dearly. Often we feel like we don’t have enough time or there is something else we need to get to. Here is one simple way to start praying for your children today.
The first step is to pick out a Scripture verse to pray over your children each day of the year. The Scripture verse needs to be one that speaks to who they are, what they are struggling with, or what they need to grow in.
Read More How to Thrive in Busy Seasons
Summer is in full swing around here! We have had a flurry of activity. It has been fun but also wearing. Maybe you can relate? One place I love to go for encouragement when I am in a busy season is the Bible. Here are five of my favorite scripture verses to help you to thrive in this busy season.
Read More How to do a Prayer Walk at School
Last week our four children went back to school. It’s hard to believe we have a week of school done already. The week before our family prepared for the school year by going on a prayer walk around our children’s schools.
As parents, we have the amazing privilege of praying for our children. This is something my husband Jonathan and I take very seriously. Especially when the school year begins.
Read More Join the 2022 Back to School Challenge!
A new school year has begun. Let’s use God’s Word to pray over our children as they head back to school. This is one of the most powerful ways we can pray.
Our kids face challenges every day at school whether they are at school or doing homeschooling. It may be a challenge to learn new things. Maybe there is a student in their class who is difficult to be around. Or maybe they don’t get along with one of their teachers. Whatever the challenge may be, we can do one of the best things for our kids and that is to pray for them.
Read More One Way to Bless Your Child’s Teacher + {A FREE printable}
She arrived that morning to help in the classroom. That in itself was a huge blessing. But the even greater gift was this parent brought me my favorite fruit smoothie from a local coffee shop. God used this parent to bless me.
Read More Back to School Challenge 2021
Let’s use God’s Word to pray over our children as they head back to school. This is one of the most powerful ways we can pray. I created the Back to School Challenge to lead us through 21 days of praying over our children.
Read More Keep on Praying for your Children
Keep on praying. I feel like this should be a song or something. An anthem. A reminder to keep on praying. Why? Because prayer is powerful. The Bible is filled with Scriptures about the power of prayer.
When we keep on praying, God uses our prayers to move mountains, to change hearts, and to draw us closer to Him. Today, we are going to talk about one way to keep on praying for your children.
Read More Confidence in Jesus – Day 21
Wow! It is Day 21 of the Back to School Challenge! Congratulations!! You have made it through. Hopefully it has been a blessing and you have seen the power of praying for your children. Thank you for joining me for the Back to School challenge!
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Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

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