
God Will Show You a Way Out – Day 19

Thank you for joining me for the Back to School challenge. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 19: Praying for Temptations Scripture verse: “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
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The Plans God has for You – Day 18

Thank you for joining me for the Back to School challenge. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 18: Praying for their Future Scripture verse: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
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Will you forgive me? – Day 17

Thank you for joining me for the Back to School challenge. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 17: Praying for Forgiveness Scripture verse: “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
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An Attitude of Gratitude – Day 16

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 16: Praying for Gratitude Scripture verse: “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
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What is the call on your life? – Day 15

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 15: Praying for Their Calling Scripture verse: “So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11
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It was by Faith – Day 14

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 14: Praying for Faith Scripture verse: “It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8
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What do your actions say? – Day 13

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 13: Praying for Leadership Scripture verse: “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12
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What are you thinking about? – Day 12

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 12: Praying for your Child’s mind Scripture verse: "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8
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We all need a little respect! – Day 11

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 11: Praying for Respect Scripture verse: “Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king.” 1 Peter 2:17
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What is in your Heart? – Day 10

For the next 21 days, we are going to pray for our children as they head Back to school. Each day you will receive a Scripture verse and a prayer to pray. The prayer includes a space for you to fill in your children’s name. Day 10: Praying for Your Child’s Heart Scripture verse: “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23
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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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Teach your children the value of God's Word by reading it together.

There are so many ways you can do this as a family. Here are some ideas.

1. Read a devotional in the mornings before everyone heads out.

2. Memorize or meditate on one Scripture verse a week.

3. Go through a Bible Reading Plan together.

4. Do evening devotions with your family sharing about what God is teaching you through His Word.

5. Read through the Bible in a year together as a family.

Comment below and share which idea you will try today.

#TeachThemWell #GodsWord #FamilyValues #yourtribe #myfamilyadventures #familyfun #treasuringlittlemoments #momentsthatmatter #joshua2415 #intentionalparenting #youbelong #encourageoneanother #anastasiacorbin #FaithFamilyFitness #cultivate2024 #becominganintentionalfamily #creatingmeaningfulmemories #buildingconfidenceinyourkids
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Teach your children the value of Gods Word by reading it together.

There are so many ways you can do this as a family. Here are some ideas.

1. Read a devotional in the mornings before everyone heads out.

2. Memorize or meditate on one Scripture verse a week.

3. Go through a Bible Reading Plan together.

4. Do evening devotions with your family sharing about what God is teaching you through His Word.

5. Read through the Bible in a year together as a family.

Comment below and share which idea you will try today.

#TeachThemWell #GodsWord #FamilyValues #yourtribe #myfamilyadventures #familyfun #treasuringlittlemoments #momentsthatmatter #joshua2415 #intentionalparenting #youbelong #encourageoneanother #anastasiacorbin #FaithFamilyFitness #cultivate2024 #becominganintentionalfamily #creatingmeaningfulmemories #buildingconfidenceinyourkids

Blog Categories

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The purpose of the Faith posts is to share God’s Word and guide you towards Him. These posts offer stories and encouragement that demonstrate practical ways to apply the Scriptures in our lives. 

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The family posts focus center around the importance of friends and family in your life. They cover a wide range of topics including Marriage, Family, Parenting, Friendship, Kids, and School. Additionally, the family posts delve into aspects of home life, share book reviews, and explore the significance of holidays.


The Fitness posts feature a combination of allergy-friendly recipes and valuable tips aimed at helping you become the healthiest version of yourself. My passion lies in empowering women to recognize the profound impact that fitness has on their everyday life.