Hearts at Home: The Go-To Place for Moms
On March 14, a friend and I headed to Normal, IL for a Hearts at Home conference. I learned about it through a book I read called Celebrate Home. Little did I know how life changing this conference would be. I walked away challenged, encouraged, and refreshed.
Read More Nothing is too hard for God
Have you ever lost something and looked everywhere to find it? And gave up hope because it was nowhere in sight? Me too. The last time this happened God used my 3-year-old daughter Analiah to speak into my heart that nothing is too hard for God.
Read More Unconditional Love
We have had a lot of snow days around here lately. It has made for some crazy days on the home front. I have been trying to be creative with different activities to really embrace and savor the time with my kids. One snow day morning I decided we would lay out the picnic blanket, make some popcorn, drink hot cocoa, and watch a movie together. Sounds so fun, right?
Read More Prayer Warrior
Prayer Warrior. What comes to mind when you read that? Who comes to mind when you read that? Do you know a lot of prayer warriors? Are you one yourself? Throughout my college years, I met many people who I considered prayer warriors. They were the people you would go to when you were struggling with something or someone. You can count on them to pray for you then and you knew without a shadow of a doubt they would keep praying for you. Over the years I have met more.
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