
7 Questions to Reflect on 2022

It’s hard to believe that this year is almost over. I don’t know about you, but 2022 went really fast. The year 2023 is just around the corner.  Before you jump into the new year, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on 2022.  In today’s post, I share seven questions to reflect on the year and my answers to each.

At the end of the post is a FREE printable of these seven questions for you to use to reflect on 2022. Take as much or as little time as you need to answer these questions. When you take the time to reflect on your year, it is a way to slow down and remember all that happened this year. The good and the bad and how it shaped you into the person you are today. As you look back, you are also able to see the ways God has been working in your life. 

1. What are three words you would use to describe this year and why?

The three words I would use to describe my year are truth, love, and joy. Earlier this year, I read a book called Tell Yourself the Truth by William Backus and Marie Chapian. Wow, just wow! This book challenged me in so many ways. I highly recommend Tell Yourself the Truth. There were so many things I believed about myself that did not align with God’s word. I am thankful to be walking more in God’s truth. 

Love is another word that I would use to describe this year. This year has brought a lot of challenges in relationships. But, God has used it to teach me how to love as He does. I am still in the learning process. 

Joy is also a word I would use to describe this year especially because it was my word of the year for 2022. God has been teaching me what it means to have joy no matter what circumstance I am facing. Joy is something that is deep within and cannot be taken away. I am continuing to learn to choose joy. 

2. What new things did you discover about yourself?

I learned that I was letting food control me instead of the other way around. Basically, I was emotionally eating and believing I couldn't get out of that cycle. It didn't matter how much I worked out or what eating program I did. I had to get to the root of it to see progress. I emotionally ate instead of trusting God and turning to him when I was stressed. I also went back to a program that worked really well for me in the past. 

I started FASTer Way to Fat Loss in August. It has been amazing to be back to it. I can see and feel the changes in my body and did within a couple of weeks of starting the program. My relationship with food is so much better. I am in charge of what I eat instead of letting the food control me. I love this program so much that I became a FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach. I am excited to lead my first round starting January 2. Please click HERE if you are interested in joining me in making 2023 the healthiest year yet. 

3. During this last year, what characteristic of God did He use to encourage you the most?

God’s constant presence. I love how God is always there for me no matter what. There were many times I cried out to God for wisdom and strength to face the day. He constantly provided whatever I needed. I am so grateful that I can always count on God. Even when situations don’t make sense, I choose to remember how God has been faithful to pull me through and He will do it again.

4. What Bible verse impacted you most this year and why?

The Bible verse that impacted me the most this year was Psalm 46:10 which reads He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.

I learned a lot about this Scripture verse earlier this year. It has really impacted me and how much I need to be still. According to the NIV Study Bible, the Hebrew phrase “Be still” probably means “Enough!” How often does God say this to us? We start to worry, fear or doubt when we are going through a tough time. God doesn’t want this for us. He wants us to pay attention to Him. Enough worry and fear. Enough doubt. Enough. Put your eyes back where they belong. This is something I continue to ask the Holy Spirit for help on.

I love the Message version of this Scripture verse which speaks to this point. “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”  I need to Be still and take a long, loving look at God. How about you? 

5. What was your favorite moment spent with your family and/or friends?

My favorite moment spent with my family this year was going to Myrtle Beach for the first time. It was an amazing time away to connect, refresh and relax. Our kids experienced the ocean for the first time and loved it. My favorite moment spent with Jonathan this year was our anniversary trip. We went to an Air Bnb less than an hour away from us. The house was set on a lake and the views were breathtaking. It was great to get away and be refueled. 

My favorite moment spent with my friends this year was a Girls' trip to South Haven. This year, I decided to invite a smaller group. We had so much fun hanging out, eating yummy food, and having meaningful conversations. I am so grateful for my friends. My other favorite moment was my Book Launch party. A group of my dear friends worked so hard to pull this party together. I also appreciated all the friends who took the time to come to the Launch Party. It was an amazing time celebrating the release of Becoming an Intentional Family.   

6. What was the most important lesson you learned this year?

The most important lesson I learned this year was the importance of having an unrivaled pursuit of Christ.  Earlier this year I went through No Other Gods Bible Study by Kelly Minter. It was an amazing study and I learned so much. We looked at the different idols in our lives. I couldn’t believe how many idols I had in my life such as my phone, food, and acceptance from others. Through the study, we were challenged to knock the idols down with the help of the Holy Spirit.  I highly recommend this study. I will continue to apply all I learned from this study each day. 

7. What is one thing you would do differently and why?

One thing I would do differently is to be intentional about daily prayer. Prayer is so powerful. There are several verses in the Bible that speak about the power of prayer. Below are just a few of those Scripture verses. 

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

Too many times this year, I found myself doubting, fearing, or worrying about something. Instead of these feelings being my automatic response, I want to turn to God in prayer. I also want to make prayer a more intentional part of my day. In November, I started a study called Acts: Awakening to God in Everyday Life by Melissa Spoelstra. She challenged us to pray for ten minutes a day at least three times. I am implementing this habit as much as I can. It has been so powerful. I love talking with God and leaving my cares and worries in His very capable hands.  

Reflect on 2022

Reflect on 2022

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I really enjoyed reflecting on this past year. I created a printable for you to use in reflecting on this year. Remember, when you take time to reflect on your year, it is a way to slow down and remember all that happened this year. The good and the bad and how it shaped you into the person you are today. As you look back, you are also able to see the ways God has been working in your life. 

Sign up below to receive this free printable to reflect on 2022. I would love to hear about your time of reflection. Please comment below about how using this printable impacted you. Thank you!

7 Questiosn to Reflect

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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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