Lord, I Need You
Do you ever have a song that you listen to over and over again? Me too. Each time I listen to it, the words become more meaningful and powerful. The one that has been in my head a lot this week is “Lord, I Need You” by Chris Tomlin. The title sums it up. I can’t do life without my Jesus. I have been there, done that and I won’t ever be going back. Lord, I truly need you!
The key is coming to the Lord
It has to be a daily thing, taking time to be in His presence, confessing your need for Him, let him clean your heart. As we bow before Him, we find rest. Did you catch that? As we BOW before God, that is where we find our rest. Wow! When we humble ourselves before the maker of the universe, admit we can’t do this life alone, acknowledge His sovereignty, that is when and where we find TRUE rest. Thank you, Jesus, for offering that true rest to us daily and throughout the day. I am so thankful to serve an awesome God who truly guides my heart. What a gift we have when we know The Lord. We don’t have to try and figure life out. God will guide us.
My one defense
I love how God is my one defense. It’s only because of what Jesus did at the cross that I can be righteous.
The gift of grace
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of grace! I will never forget the moment I was given the gift of God’s grace. I couldn’t believe it was for me. Did I really have to do nothing to earn it? Are you sure? Yes, my God was sure! So humbled and thankful that God called me out to be His. I am so grateful that He continually offers me grace when I fail time and time again. I am free only because of Jesus.
One of my biggest heart’s cry is that I will worship God with ALL my heart. I want to have my song rise to Him alone. I want nothing else to take the number one place in my life other than Jesus. So when that temptation comes, I choose to confess my need for Jesus, put my eyes back on Him and stand in His freedom. I also want to always draw my strength from Jesus. I know can’t do life on my own strength. Yet I try to and fail every time. I am so thankful for God’s forgiveness and strength. When I cannot stand, I’ll fall on You Jesus, not myself. Because You, Jesus will never fail! Thank you for being my hope and stay!
*Originally posted 10/26/13

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