Praying for Someone You Don’t Know
When is the last time you prayed for someone you didn’t know? It seems a little odd to pray for someone you don’t know but it can be one of the greatest gifts you can give them.
In today’s post, I am going to share about the importance of praying for someone you don’t know. My in-laws did this without even realizing the impact of their prayers.
This past May, we headed to Pennsylvania to visit with Jonathan’s family. One of my favorite connect times was with my in-laws. Jonathan’s parents are pretty amazing! They have been married 50+ years and continue to thrive in their marriage. Dad and Mom love their family deeply and do all they can to help.
The Gift of Prayer
Jonathan was definitely their greatest gift to me. Another gift they blessed me with was prayer. Even before they knew I existed, they prayed for me. Jonathan’s parents believe in the power of prayer. They committed to praying for each of their children’s spouse.
Dad and Mom’s prayers made a huge difference in my life. Literally. And for that, I am forever grateful. In my growing up years, I had access to alcohol and drugs quite often. I also was surrounded by people who had sex before marriage.
In all those years, especially the high school years, I never had a desire for any of that. NEVER. I was pressured, encouraged, and made fun of for not getting involved in drugs, alcohol or sex before marriage. But, I still had no desire. That doesn’t make sense.
When I arrived at college, I met people who loved the Lord. I knew about God but had never heard of a personal relationship with Jesus. That fall, I became a believer and have followed hard after God since then.
This all happened before I even knew Jonathan. Yet his parents had been praying for me all that time.
Prayer Makes a Difference
As I mentioned earlier, I am forever grateful to Jonathan’s parents for praying for me. Their prayers made a huge difference in my life.
I love to tell this story to show the power of prayer and God’s faithfulness. It motivates me to pray for my own kids’ spouse even though I don’t know them yet.
I also love to share this story to encourage other parents to pray for their child’s spouse. Even though you don’t know who their spouse will be, your prayers will make a BIG difference. A really big difference!
Have you ever prayed for your child’s spouse? I encourage you to take a few minutes each day to pray for your child’s spouse. Pray for their salvation, protection, and for them to thrive in life. Your prayers make a difference!
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That’s encouraging that you can pray for people you don’t know. There is a specific beautiful young woman who is an LDS member that I am very concerned about. Along with a few others that I do know. I want to be available if they ever need me.
There is power in prayer!