The 3 M’s of Goal Setting
Goals. When you hear that word, what reaction do you have? Excitement, fear or dread? On December 31, my reaction was panic. Why? Because my goals weren’t done yet. Maybe your goals aren’t written or you’re still trying to decide if you even want to bother with goals. I believe goals are important. Today, I will share the why and the 3 M’s of Goal Setting.
The Why
Why bother setting goals? Goals give focus and meaning to our life purpose. As a believer, my life purpose is to make Jesus known. By the end of this year, I want to be more like Jesus and more consistently reflect Him in my life. Therefore, my purpose sets the tone for my life goals.
What is your life purpose? Your yearly goals can help you fulfill it. Now that we know the why of goals, let’s look at the 3 M’s of goal setting.
The first M of goal setting it measurable. When we create our goals, there needs to be a way to measure the progress. It can be by the end of a month, a quarter, or the year. For example, one of my goals is:
Read through the entire Bible by December 31, 2018.
On December 31, 2018, I will be able to tell you if I have completed my goal. It’s easy to measure.
Another example of a measurable goal for a month is:
Read one book by January 31, 2018.
It’s important for our goals to be measurable so we can see and celebrate our progress.
The second M of goal setting is meaningful. Our goals need to have meaning behind them. Let’s take a look at my goal of reading through the bible in one year. What is my purpose behind this? Just to say I did it? No! That would not be meaningful. So, why read all 66 books of the bible? It takes a lot of time and effort. Well, I picked this goal because I wanted to simplify. To get back to the basics of God’s word. I also know that God’s word is living and active. Reading it will help me to dig deeper and know His heart more.
As you are setting a goal, I encourage you to make them meaningful. Spend time in prayer. God will guide you to the goals for you.
This leads us to the third M of goal setting which is mine. As I mentioned above, God will guide you to the goals for you. Your goals will look a lot different than your friend beside you or your neighbor down the road. That is good!! You are a different person and need to grow in ways someone else may not. Which is why I encourage you to tailor your goals to what you are working on in life. Don’t compare your goals to others. Instead, embrace what God has for you. He has great plans for you this year! Take time to listen and create goals that are your own.
Goals are important because they give focus and meaning to your life purpose. Goal setting helps you to grow. By the end of the year, you will be different. As you set your goals, I encourage you to make them measurable, meaningful and your own. I can’t wait to hear what your personal goals. Please comment below. I’m cheering you on!
Great words about setting goals Anastasia!
Thanks Christy! 🙂