What’s Cooking at My House This Week
I love to eat! I mean that I really LOVE to eat. Maybe you can relate? Today, I am going to share what’s cooking at my house this week. These past three months through a program called FASTer Way to Fat Loss, I have discovered so many delicious recipes. Not only do they taste amazing…
Read More Whistle While You Work
Did you think of Snow White and the seven dwarfs when you read the title of this post? Maybe you even started singing the song. I sure did. I really think Snow White was onto something with this song. Music really does make work more fun. How can we incorporate music into our work? Today, I am going to share three ways we can use music in our days.
Read More What are your Favorite Smells?
Sniff…sniff. Do you smell that? Smells have a lot of memories attached to them. They can bring a smile or a frown. Today, I thought it would be fun to share five of my favorite smells. Some of them might surprise you.
Read More The Hour Before Dinner
I don’t know about you but the hour before dinner can be one of the craziest hours of my day. The kids are all home from school, homework needs to be done, and dinner also needs to be started. Can you feel the tension? Me too. My main purpose during the hour before dinner is to connect with the kids and get dinner ready. I have tried many different strategies to free myself up to be able to focus on the kids.
Read More The 3 M’s of Goal Setting
Goals. When you hear that word, what reaction do you have? Excitement, fear or dread? On December 31, my reaction was panic. Why? Because my goals weren’t done yet. Maybe your goals aren’t written or you’re still trying to decide if you even want to bother with goals. I believe goals are important. Today, I will share the why and the 3 M’s of Goal Setting.
Read More Discover, Remove and Adopt- My Goals for 2018
It’s a new year! I absolutely love new beginnings! One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 43:19 which reads “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” It reminds me that God is at work in my life. This year, I want to discover, remove and adopt. Read on to find out what this means for my goals in 2018.
Read More 3 Things to Do When Plans Change
Last week was a different kind of week. Nathan came down with strep throat so he stayed home on Monday. My day completely changed as I cared for him. I didn’t get any of the normal done. On Tuesday morning, I woke Nathan up for school. He complained of a headache and that his throat still hurt. I made the decision to keep Nathan home. Again, plans changed and I felt even more behind.
Read More Never Stop Praying. Say What?
Always be joyful. Never Stop Praying. Be thankful in all circumstances. Say what? How in the world do you do this? When I read these commands in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, I really wondered if they were doable or impossible. After spending time studying these verses, I realized they were doable.
Read More Notifications – Good or Bad?
Do you enjoy notifications on your phone? Or do they annoy you? For me, it depends on who the reminder comes from or how loud it is. At one point, I turned off all notifications on my phone because it was just too much noise. Notifications can also be a blessing. In today’s post, I want to share how.
Read More Mom, what’s for dinner?
"Mom, what’s for dinner? What are we doing this week?" Do these questions sound familiar? If your kids are similar to mine, you have probably heard these questions countless times. Today, I am going to share with you how two charts have answered these questions for my kids.
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Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

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