A Stone Bridge
“The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.”
Psalm 91:14, NLT
“I don’t want to!” whined our 3-year-old son. No amount of coaxing could get Caleb on the stone bridge. My husband was trying to get a picture of all four of our kids on this really cool stone bridge.
Can you see why Caleb didn’t want to get on the stone bridge? Honestly, I felt a little nervous myself crossing the narrow bridge. As I watched Caleb, I could see the scare in his eyes. I reminded Caleb that Daddy wouldn’t take him where he couldn’t protect him. Caleb looked over to Daddy and looked over to the bridge and started thinking about it.
God will not take me where He cannot protect me.
While Caleb was thinking about it, so was I. The very comment I said to Caleb was one I needed to hear myself. My Daddy won’t take me where He can’t protect me. I was leveled at that moment. God will not take me where He cannot protect me. Even when the bridge is narrow and looks scary to cross or when my heart is breaking in two because of a loss, God will not take me where he cannot protect me.
The same is true for you. God asks you to step out in faith, but He will not take you where He cannot protect you. If you are going through a broken relationship and the hurt is deep, God will not take you where He cannot protect you. Maybe you have lost a child and don’t feel like you can take another breath or when your spouse has walked away, God will not take you where He cannot protect you. When one of your best friends moves away, God will not take you where He cannot protect you. You have moved away to college and are struggling to make friends or you are a teacher with a really rough class this year, God will not take you where He cannot protect you.
God will not take where you He cannot protect you
The list goes on and on. Whatever situation you find yourself facing, God will not take where you He cannot protect you. Will you trust your Daddy and step out onto the stone bridge?
Heavenly Father, thank You that You will not take me where You cannot protect me. As I look back on my life, I see the many, many ways You have been there for me. I see even now the ways You are taking care of me. Thank You for always being a constant in my life. God, please help me to trust You more. I love You, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

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