
Hurry up! We have to go!

Do you find yourself in a hurry often? Do you find yourself saying to your kids, “Hurry up! We have to go!” Me too! All too often in fact. As I reflected on this more, I realized that I am the problem. It’s not my kids. Yes, they are slow to move sometimes but they aren’t the reason we are running late so much. I am the problem. Ouch! There are several conclusions I have come to:

  1. I tried to get something done before leaving.

Guilty as charged!! I think I can get a 10-25 minute project done in the 5 minutes we have before leaving. Wrong! I end up getting frustrated at myself and then it pours onto my kids. This leads to more stress and I wonder why I even tried. Was it really worth all this to get something done?

  1. I haven’t planned enough leave time.

I can’t expect my 9,7,4, and 3-year-old to get in the van already if I haven’t given them at least 10-15 minutes to get ready. My 9, 7 and 4-year-old move a lot quicker than they used too. But, sometimes they still can’t find the shoe they must wear or the football they want to take. And my 3-year-old, well it always seems like he picks the time before we leave to get a poopy diaper.

  1. I didn’t plan enough time for the outing for the kids and/or myself.

Too often I’m rushing through an errand. A few months ago, I took the kids to the Dollar Tree so they could each pick something out. This process takes time, especially for my oldest daughter. Instead of constantly rushing my kids, I need to plan at least 30 minutes at the store. They have the freedom to take that time and I can be much more relaxed too instead of pressuring them to hurry up. This rings true for the library too. It takes time to pick out good books. So, I have learned to plan a lot more time for our weekly library trips.



It’s been a journey but I am slowly learning that I need to slow down and create the time for leaving. The kids are so much more relaxed when I remember this. I am choosing to take responsibility instead of blaming my kids when we are running late. It’s a process but one that I will continue to work at.

How about you? How is leave time around your house? Hopefully sharing my journey has challenged and encouraged you.



  1. Beth on October 8, 2015 at 12:40 am

    I can totally relate. I used to get so upset at how long everything with my daughter took, getting dressed, eating, etc.
    Then I realized I was the common denominator in all of the hurried rushed situations. It was my own lack of patience and failure to stay in the present moment that made me irritable. Why wouldn’t it take a child a long time to get ready. Everything is new to them, they see things through a joyful and wondrous lens. Children live in the present moment. That is such an important lesson for me to learn/apply, that my 3 yr old taught me. I just have to adjust my timetable. Exactly like you said, plan for the time, allow time for the present instead of rushing headlong into the future. I can say I am less stressed out and so is my little lady. I treasure the time we have together getting ready in the morning. I listen to her little song as she swings her little legs while eating her breakfast.

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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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