
Christmas shopping for your child’s teacher + {A FREE printable}

It’s hard to believe its November already! You know what that means, right? Christmas is just around the corner. That may stress you out or bring you joy. Hopefully, it’s the latter. Christmas shopping can be crazy but it can also be a lot of fun.

One way to make it more of a joy is having ideas of what to buy especially for your child’s teacher. Teachers do so much for our children each day. This Christmas, let’s show them our appreciation.



As a former teacher myself, I understand the power of appreciation. One parent, in particular, did simple things that made my day more than once throughout the school year.

One day, she brought me my favorite fruit smoothie. This parent also introduced me to one of my favorite snacks of peanut butter on graham crackers. These simple gifts blessed me in so many ways.


A FREE Printable

How can you bless your child’s teacher for Christmas? I have created a printable for you to use. Send it into school and ask your child’s teacher to fill it out.

As you prepare for Christmas, reference this list to pick out a gift for your child’s teacher. They will love whatever you decide on because it is tailored to their favorite things.

I would love to share this ‘These are a Few of My Favorite Things’ Printable with you. By signing up to receive the Teacher Gifts Printable, you’ll also receive my weekly newsletter filled with encouragement, family ideas, and current blog posts.

Please fill out the form below to receive the printable today.



I can’t wait to hear how using this printable blesses your child’s teacher this Christmas and even later in the year. Please comment below with any stories. If you’re a teacher, I would love to hear about a favorite gift you received. Thank you!


Christmas Shopping

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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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Goodness, I love God's Word! ❤️ It is alive and active. God's Word NEVER returns void and always accomplishes His purpose. I hope that encourages your heart today!

"It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." Isaiah 55:11

#RootedInTruth #Bible #butfirstJesus #coffeewithJesus #newmorningmercies #anastasiacorbin #FaithFamilyFitness #Rooted2025 #becominganintentionalfamily
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Goodness, I love Gods Word! ❤️ It is alive and active. Gods Word NEVER returns void and always accomplishes His purpose. I hope that encourages your heart today! 

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.  Isaiah 55:11

#RootedInTruth #Bible #butfirstJesus #coffeewithJesus #newmorningmercies #anastasiacorbin #FaithFamilyFitness #Rooted2025 #becominganintentionalfamily

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The purpose of the Faith posts is to share God’s Word and guide you towards Him. These posts offer stories and encouragement that demonstrate practical ways to apply the Scriptures in our lives. 

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The family posts focus center around the importance of friends and family in your life. They cover a wide range of topics including Marriage, Family, Parenting, Friendship, Kids, and School. Additionally, the family posts delve into aspects of home life, share book reviews, and explore the significance of holidays.


The Fitness posts feature a combination of allergy-friendly recipes and valuable tips aimed at helping you become the healthiest version of yourself. My passion lies in empowering women to recognize the profound impact that fitness has on their everyday life.