
I want you to…

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons we have. How often are you using this weapon? How are you using it? The other day we had a prayer time as a family. My eyes were opened. I was challenged and convicted.

A Very High Fever

The week had started off with our son Nathan having a very high fever. The fever continued to spike and plans for our week were canceled. It was disappointing and very discouraging. Micaela, our oldest daughter, was especially sad as she missed out on some fun times with her friends. One evening we gathered as a family to pray over Nathan. My husband started, I followed and then Micaela prayed.

I want you to…

β€œDear God, I want you to…” and then she stopped. Micaela then started over, β€œDear God, please would you heal Nathan so he can feel better and enjoy playing?” Without any prompting from us, Micaela stopped herself. MicaelaΒ realized she was praying for selfish reasons. You could hear the heart change in her next statement. Micaela was more humble. She was less selfish and more focused on praying for her brother instead of praying out of her frustration.

At that moment, I was challenged and convicted. How many times have I prayed out of selfishness? Too often, IΒ have I come to God with my agenda and expected Him to follow suit. There are many times I acted like I knew better.

Pray about everything

God wants us to pray about everything no matter what we are feeling. The Psalms are filled with many, many prayers out of frustration. It’s not wrong to pray in your frustration because God cares. But, when we pray with a hardened heart and for the wrong reasons, it is hard for God to move in our lives. Our selfishness puts up a wall. We need to come before God with a humble heart and submit to His plan. Like the Psalmist King David, we need to always come back to God’s goodness in our lives and recognize He is still on the throne.

Check my heart

God used the prayer time for Nathan to speak to me. I am so proud of Micaela for changing her prayer. When I grow up, I want toΒ be more like her. I know need to work on my attitude and check my heart before I pray. God’s love and patience with me in this is a blessing.

How about you? What isΒ your prayer life like? WhatΒ is your attitude when you approach the King of Kings to pray? Joining you in the journey…





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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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The purpose of the Faith posts is to share God’s Word and guide you towards Him. These posts offer stories and encouragement that demonstrate practical ways to apply the Scriptures in our lives.Β 

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