
Stop Lights and Preschool Line

I don’t mind stop lights. It gives me a chance to look at my phone and catch up on what I missed on Social Media or email. Maybe you can relate?

The other day, I was reaching for my purse at a stop light and Caleb said: “Your phone is right there, Mom.” Ouch! I was actually reaching for my chapstick but Caleb assumed I wanted my phone. This challenged me to remember my commitment to not be on the phone while in the van.

Moments that Matter

Why did I make this commitment? Because I didn’t want to miss the moments that matter like this one. Caleb and I were on our way home from a friend’s house the other day. He called out “Mom, who has the biggest house?” I replied “Who buddy?” Caleb loudly declared “God does!” It was a very simple conversation but also very powerful. Caleb knows the truth about God.

After arriving home, we headed into the house and unpacked our things. Caleb rushed off to play. As I reflected on the conversation, I felt grateful to not have missed that moment that mattered. I desire to be a Mom who practices listening to my kids and giving them my full attention. (At least as much as I can while driving.)  I believe this communicates to my kids that they were very important to me.

Stop Lights and Preschool Line

It’s not always easy to stay off my phone while at stop lights or in the preschool line, but it’s something I am going to keep working on. When my kids look back on their childhood, I want them to have memories of a Mom who cared enough to listen.

How about you? Does your phone distract you while out driving? Or are you able to focus on the kids? What kind of conversations have you been able to have with your kids? Please comment below. I would love to hear your stories.

Stop Lights and Preschool Line

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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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