
What to Do Early in the Morning

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.Mark 1:35

In a fast-paced world filled with endless demands and distractions, it is easy to overlook the significance of prayer in our daily lives. However, by reflecting on the life of Jesus, we are reminded of the importance He placed on taking time to pray. As the Son of God, Jesus possessed an unparalleled connection with the Father, yet He consistently sought moments of solitude to engage in intimate conversations with Him. In today’s blog post, we explore three valuable lessons from Jesus and His commitment to meeting with God in the morning.

Seize Every Opportunity

It never fails to amaze me that the Son of God, the Savior of the World, prioritized prayer in His life. Despite knowing the entirety of past, present, and future, Jesus recognized the significance of conversing with His Heavenly Father. He understood that His strength came from this time with God and that surrendering to God's will was crucial even before the start of each day.

Jesus' example is truly amazing and we can learn a lot from it. He would begin His day by rising early and seeking solace in the presence of God. Jesus understood the value of carving out time away from the distractions and obligations of life. He used this time to nurture the most significant relationship with His Heavenly Father. 

How about you? How do you typically start your day? As mothers, our lives are often bustling with numerous responsibilities. Depending on the season of life we find ourselves in, we may only have a few precious minutes to engage with God. However, any amount of time we can devote to conversing with God is a valuable investment in our relationship. Therefore, let us follow the example set by Jesus, seizing every opportunity we have to talk with God.

Source of Strength

Another lesson we learn from Jesus is His unwavering understanding of the ultimate source of strength. He recognized that He couldn't face the challenges of each day without tapping into the power of God. While Jesus is fully divine, during His earthly existence, He also embraced His humanity. He acknowledged the necessity of relying on God's supernatural strength. 

How about you? Do you rely on God for your strength, or do you often find yourself depending solely on your own capabilities, eventually feeling depleted? The well of God's strength is endless, and you will never exhaust it. Just as Jesus did, make it a priority to take time each morning to refuel and be filled with God's empowering presence. 



The final lesson we can glean from Jesus about prayer is the importance of surrendering to God's will for each day. Far too often, I find myself rushing into my day with an extensive checklist of tasks. I'm eager to conquer the world and overcome any obstacles in my path. There's nothing inherently wrong with being motivated or having a plan. However, all too frequently, our plans may shift, or unexpected circumstances may arise, disrupting our carefully laid-out agenda. Yet, when we intentionally surrender our day to God every morning, these interruptions transform into divine appointments. 

God longs for us to be like Jesus. He yearns for us to pause amidst the chaos and demands of life, and take intentional time with Him. God longs for an intimate relationship with us. He desires to abundantly fill us with the strength required to navigate any challenges that cross our path. 

Will you choose to surrender to God's will for your day? I assure you that by doing so, you will experience a day filled with greater blessings and fulfillment.

Let's Pray

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for the beautiful example set by Jesus, who faithfully sought You each morning. Recognizing His dependence on You, I am humbled to acknowledge my own deep need for daily communion with You. Lord, I yearn to be filled with Your divine strength. I wholeheartedly surrender my day to You, desiring Your will above all else. Thank You for Your unwavering care and love for me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Spring Family Fun

Spring is here! For our families, that means more outside time. I created a Spring Bucket List + 10 Spring Family Fun Activities for you. Fill out the form below and get your Spring Bucket List + 10 Spring Family Fun Activities PDF. 

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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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One more flight to go and it’s the big one…about 14 hours long. ✈️ After arriving in Chicago, we will drive about 3 hours home. Please pray for continued safety for our team. What an incredible trip this has been and a true gift to experience it all with Analiah. Thanks for your prayers. ❤️ #asiashope #thailand #cambodia #thisismyfamily ... See MoreSee Less

One more flight to go and it’s the big one…about 14 hours long. ✈️ After arriving in Chicago, we will drive about 3 hours home. Please pray for continued safety for our team. What an incredible trip this has been and a true gift to experience it all with Analiah. Thanks for your prayers. ❤️ #asiashope #thailand #cambodia #thisismyfamily

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