What to Do with the Impossible
Our family loves time at the beach. Not only do we have lots of fun, but we also learn some valuable lessons. One of the lessons we learned several years ago was “Nothing is impossible with God.” It all began with a neon golf ball.
The day before we left to go to our friend’s beach house, I handed each child a list for packing. It was all the necessary clothes, a swimsuit, a beach towel, a toothbrush, etc. The kids did great packing their suitcases.
Nathan decided to add in a few extras from home. One of those extras was a neon golf ball. Micaela and Nathan both really enjoyed diving for items that summer so I knew it had to be for diving.
After two days at the beach, the golf ball made an appearance. The kids had a blast diving for it! The ball was fairly easy to see underwater and it kept the kids entertained for quite a while.
Towards the end of the day, the neon golf ball was buried in the lake. The kids searched high and low. Jonathan searched for it also. The golf ball was nowhere to be found. Nathan and Micaela walked away defeated and discouraged.
It seemed impossible
It seemed so impossible to find the golf ball. It was buried 40 yards from the shore of Lake Michigan. The next morning, Jonathan brought some of his work tools along to aid in the search for the neon golf ball. When we arrived at the beach, we headed to the exact spot on the sand which was marked with a forgotten Frisbee.
Jonathan, Micaela, and Nathan were determined. Before they headed out to look, they prayed “God, we really want to find this golf ball. It seems impossible but You know exactly where it is. Can you help us find it?” Then, they stepped into the water expecting to find the golf ball.
Jonathan used his work tools to shift things in the water. The kids dove under many times but didn’t come up with the ball. After quite some time, cheers irrupted. “We found the golf ball!!” It was a very exciting time for our family, especially the older kids. We rejoiced and praised God.

This is one moment I will never forget. The look on the kid's face is forever imprinted in my mind. It was a look of pure joy! It was also a look of victory. When Micaela and Nathan came to the beach that day, they didn’t know if they would find the golf ball. They understood how impossible it was.
But they trusted the leadership of their Dad to look anyways. And more importantly, they trusted that God is the God of the impossible. Micaela and Nathan learned the importance of coming to God with all their cares and worries. And then trusting that He will work it out.
But he said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27
What to do with the Impossible
That morning at the beach, I felt challenged. Do I come to God with all my cares and worries no matter how impossible it may seem? Or do I try to work it out in my own way?
How about you? What do you do with the impossible? Do you trust in the God of the impossible? Please hand over your concerns and get ready to see God work out an impossible situation for your good.

Fall Family Fun

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