My FASTer Way Story
My FASTer Way Story “I really miss eating carbs!!” I shared with my husband Jonathan, frustration evident in my voice. “On this eating plan, I am always hungry. I want more food!” As I voiced my concerns to my husband that day, it became clear something needed to change. Despite faithfully working out for 35-45…
Read More 5 Simple Ideas for Summer Fun
Summer is here!! Yay! I love having the kids around more. I also enjoy summer break because of the more relaxed schedule and fun outings we can do. Here are five simple ideas for Summer Fun.
Read More Join the 2023 EnJOY Challenge: Discover & Connect!
We absolutely adore our children, no doubt about it. However, the summer can sometimes be overwhelming. Can I get an Amen?
I don't know about you, but I long to fully embrace this summer. Now, you may be wondering, how can we do that? Well, that's where the EnJOY challenge steps in. By focusing on connecting with our children, we can truly delight in their presence throughout the summer.
My goal for this summer is to cherish quality time with my kids and establish connections with them. That's why I created the EnJOY challenge. While we could do countless activities over the summer, it's important that we also nurture a genuine bond with our children.
Read More What to Do Early in the Morning
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35 In a fast-paced world filled with endless demands and distractions, it is easy to overlook the significance of prayer in our daily lives. However, by reflecting on…
Read More What Are You Planting this Spring?
Have you thought about what you’ll be planting this Spring? We’re planning on growing some delicious tomatoes, zucchini, and possibly cucumbers. But, let’s not forget about planting the seeds of God’s Word in our minds. By doing so, we can fight against the ‘weeds’ that try to take over our thoughts. In Colossians 3:2, we…
Read More A Simple Way to Pray for Your Children
We have all heard countless times about the importance of praying for our children. The Bible is filled with Scriptures about the power of prayer. Yet, when it comes down to it, we struggle to pray for the people we love dearly. Often we feel like we don’t have enough time or there is something else we need to get to. Here is one simple way to start praying for your children today.
The first step is to pick out a Scripture verse to pray over your children each day of the year. The Scripture verse needs to be one that speaks to who they are, what they are struggling with, or what they need to grow in.
Read More A Review of Memory Lane by Becky Wade
Memory Lane takes many unexpected twists and turns. It’s filled with mystery, romance, and humor. I love how Becky addressed sensitive topics and how healing and restoration come from God. I highly recommend this book. I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Read More A Review of O Little Town – A Romance Christmas Collection
Main CharactersEmma and FrederickEleanor and GideonCaleb and Rachel Favorite CharacterEleanor SettingMapleview, Michigan The First Line of the Book”Have a wonderful weekend,” Emma Trowbridge called to the last of her departing students as they clamored down the steps of the redbrick schoolhouse into a crisp, cloudy afternoon.” My Review A sweet collection of stories set…
Read More You ARE Making a Difference
Once I arrived home, I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and put a load of laundry in. Nathan and I played a board game together next. After that, I cleaned the bathrooms and caught up on the finances. Soon it was lunch time so I prepared a meal for Nathan and me. Afterward, I cleaned up more dishes and picked up Micaela from preschool. Soon after arriving back home, I read books to both the kids before nap time and did my best to stay awake to finish the book.
Mama, does any of this sound familiar? The list goes on and on of what you do day in and day out. Do you ever wonder if what you do is making a difference?
Read More Valentine’s Day Family Fun Ideas
Ahhh… February. The month of love. It starts soon so that means Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. There are countless ways to celebrate the holiday of love. Here are a 5 family fun ideas to make this Valentine’s Day special.
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Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

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