
pizza crust

A Pizza Crust Win + an Update on my 2018 goals

6 or maybe it has been 7 pizza crust recipes. Yes, I have really tried that many. And guess what? I have finally found the One. The best-tasting pizza crust yet! Let me tell you the story.
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Read This if You Want to Be a Better Parent {and a giveaway!}

Parenting. One of the toughest but also most rewarding jobs. If you’re anything like me, you know there are areas you could be a better parent. I finished a book this past weekend that rocked my parenting world. It challenged, convicted and encouraged me all in one. When you read Parents Rising by Arlene Pellicane, don’t forget your boots because your toes will get stepped on. But, I assure you, it’s totally worth it!
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A Curtain Torn in Two

Can you imagine a curtain that was 60 feet long, 30 feet wide and about one inch thick? Picture how large and sturdy that must have been. Next, imagine what it would have been like to see or even hear the curtain be torn from top to bottom. What an amazing thing to witness! What’s so special about this curtain and what does it have to do with Easter? Well, let me tell you.
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Why Her? Giveaway

3 Reasons to Read Why Her? + A Giveaway!

Comparison. We all struggle with it whether or not we want to admit it. Deep down we think and sometimes say out loud "I wish I had her body shape" or "I wish I had a life like her then things would be all better." In Why Her? author Nicki Koziarz takes a hard look at comparison and shares six truths we all need to hear to combat it. Today, I will share three reasons to read Why Her?
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Friday Favorites

Olive Garden, a Sunset and Coffee

Wow! It’s already March We enjoyed a full but fun February. How did your February go? Today is my monthly Friday Favorites post where I share my five favorite things from the previous month. Olive Garden, a Sunset, and Coffee are just a few of my favorite things from this past month. Read on to see what my other favorites are.
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Stop Lights

Stop Lights and Preschool Line

I don’t mind stop lights. It gives me a chance to look at my phone and catch up on what I missed on Social Media or email. Maybe you can relate? The other day, I was reaching for my purse at a stop light and Caleb said: “Your phone is right there, Mom.” Ouch! I was actually reaching for my chapstick but Caleb assumed I wanted my phone. This challenged me to remember my commitment to not be on the phone while in the van.
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4 Simple Ways to Show You Care

4 Simple Ways to Show You Care

There are so many hurting people in this world. Sometimes the needs can be overwhelming. I find myself wishing I had more time to help those who are hurting in my corner of the world. One thing I have learned in the past couple years is that I can still help in some way. Here are four simple ways to show you care.
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Date Night Ideas

3 Date Night Ideas Under $20

A night without your kids or other people. A night for just you and your spouse. Doesn’t this sound amazing? This is what we call a Date Night. Date Nights are a priority in our house. It’s our time away to focus on each other.
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Friday Favorites

Movies, Paint and the Refuel Conference

Wow! It’s already February! We enjoyed a full but fun January. How did your January go? Today is my monthly Friday Favorites post where I share my five favorite things from the previous month. Movies, Paint and the Refuel Conference are just a few of my favorite things from this past month. Read on to see what my other favorites are.
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Goal Setting

The 3 M’s of Goal Setting

Goals. When you hear that word, what reaction do you have? Excitement, fear or dread? On December 31, my reaction was panic. Why? Because my goals weren’t done yet. Maybe your goals aren’t written or you’re still trying to decide if you even want to bother with goals. I believe goals are important. Today, I will share the why and the 3 M’s of Goal Setting.
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Anastasia Corbin
Welcome, I'm Anastasia!

As an Author and Speaker, I am passionate about sharing God's Word. Check out the Blog and sign up for my weekly newsletter below where I encourage overwhelmed moms to prioritize faith, family, and fitness. If I had a day to myself, you would find me on the beach reading a book.



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The purpose of the Faith posts is to share God’s Word and guide you towards Him. These posts offer stories and encouragement that demonstrate practical ways to apply the Scriptures in our lives. 

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The family posts focus center around the importance of friends and family in your life. They cover a wide range of topics including Marriage, Family, Parenting, Friendship, Kids, and School. Additionally, the family posts delve into aspects of home life, share book reviews, and explore the significance of holidays.


The Fitness posts feature a combination of allergy-friendly recipes and valuable tips aimed at helping you become the healthiest version of yourself. My passion lies in empowering women to recognize the profound impact that fitness has on their everyday life.