Say Yes as Much as You Can
“Mom, can I have a muffin?” It was a simple question and one that caused me to pause. Micaela asked me this question in the middle of the afternoon. The kids had already had a snack so it’s not like Micaela was hungry. I responded, “Yes, you may.” She lit up and enjoyed eating her muffin.
Read More Why One on One Time with your Kids is Important
What is your child’s favorite color? What is their greatest fear? What kind of books do they like to read? How do we learn the answers to these questions and many others? By having individual time with your children. One on One time is important because it communicates value, builds the relationship, and helps behavior.
Read More 3 Things I Tell My Kids Every Day
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. I absolutely love being a Mom. As Moms, we have so much power with our words. We can hurt or we can heal. My desire is to build up my kids and pour truth into them with my words. One of the ways I do this is by telling my kids three things before they leave for the day. Today, I will share those words with you.
Read More Read This if You Want to Be a Better Parent {and a giveaway!}
Parenting. One of the toughest but also most rewarding jobs. If you’re anything like me, you know there are areas you could be a better parent. I finished a book this past weekend that rocked my parenting world. It challenged, convicted and encouraged me all in one. When you read Parents Rising by Arlene Pellicane, don’t forget your boots because your toes will get stepped on. But, I assure you, it’s totally worth it!
Read More Stop Lights and Preschool Line
I don’t mind stop lights. It gives me a chance to look at my phone and catch up on what I missed on Social Media or email. Maybe you can relate? The other day, I was reaching for my purse at a stop light and Caleb said: “Your phone is right there, Mom.” Ouch! I was actually reaching for my chapstick but Caleb assumed I wanted my phone. This challenged me to remember my commitment to not be on the phone while in the van.
Read More Year In Review 2017
The end of 2017 is almost here. Is it just me, or did this year go fast? Honestly, it has been a great year. I am not who I was in January of 2017 and for that I am grateful. God has worked in my heart to help me be more like Jesus. I am also thankful for the many fun memories of this year. Today, I am going to share a year in review; a final update on my 2017 goals.
Read More My Favorite Christmas Tradition
Waiting for Mom and Dad to wake up. All coming downstairs together. Stockings. The same Christmas song record playing. Christmas Breakfast. The list of my childhood Christmas traditions goes on and on. When Jonathan and I began our family, we decided to keep some of our childhood traditions but also create our own.
Read More Never Stop Praying. Say What?
Always be joyful. Never Stop Praying. Be thankful in all circumstances. Say what? How in the world do you do this? When I read these commands in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, I really wondered if they were doable or impossible. After spending time studying these verses, I realized they were doable.
Read More Why We Go to Counseling
My husband and I go to counseling. Yes, you read that right. Counseling. There are several reasons why we go. In today’s blog post, I will share the reasons.
Read More 3 Things I Learned from Calm, Cool, and Connected + A Giveaway!
Confession time. I spend too much time on my phone. Text. Facebook. Email. Voxer. Instagram. Twitter. I love social media but too often I find myself wasting time on it and feeling frustrated as a result. And unfortunately that frustration leaks out and those I love are affected too. Which is why I knew I needed to read Calm, Cool, and Collected: 5 Digital Habits for a More Balanced Life by Arlene Pellicane. In today’s post, I will share the three things I learned from this book.
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